A Cat is Contrary and That's That

What is it about cats that makes them so enchanting? They are infuriatingly smug, elegantly arrogant, graceful always but often ungracious. A creature breathtaking in its physical perfection and gob-smacking in its unapologetic selfishness.

Why is it that a cat can leap so effortlessly to the highest shelf, tiptoe nimbly round all the awful holiday souvenirs and yet with a twinkle in its eye will casually dash your prized Lalique crystal vase to the floor.

What is it they are looking at when they perch on the back of the sofa, gently swaying from side to side, eyes fixed at a non-existent spot on the wall?

Give a pregnant cat a warm, comfortable secret cubby-hole in which to have her kits - she'll decide to have them in your bed.

Buy her a cat perch, fuzzy lined, with a cat-nip scratching post, she'll choose to lie in your linen cupboard and scratch your stereo speakers.

Feel like a cuddle - best way to get one is pretend you don't! Want to avoid cat hairs on your business suit - that kitty will be all over you.

Cats have been revered as Gods, reviled as the devil's familiars, heralded for their hunting prowess, hounded for being unlucky, sought after for being lucky ...

Dogs have been domesticated for about 20,000 years, cats only 5,000. What were they waiting for? Did we have to reach a reasonable level of civilisation and comfort before they decided to grace us with their company?

For all their contrariness (and often undeserved) reputation for aloofness, you can be sure that a cat, be she moggy or show queen, will bring you joy with her playful antics, vibrate your soul with her contented purring, bestow a feeling of serenity when she is at rest and grace your household with her beauty.

Of course, she might also horrify you with gory presents and rip your new sofa to shreds but would you have a cat be any other way?


Maine Coons Gentle Giants

As well as being very handsome, the Maine Coons are a hardy, low maintenance breed.

Scottish Folds

The Scottish Fold is a very unique and delightful cat with a sweet temperament very similar to the British and are often described as being hardy, good-natured, calm affable, loyal...